FAMILY PLANNING2019-01-28T11:41:26+00:00

Project Description


  • Poverty, tradition, poor health awareness, superstition and conservative mind-sets about modern birth control measures have led to an increase in population and poverty.
  • The Foundation works with local Primary Health Care centers in order to spread Family Planning awareness & conduct the surgeries
  • The Families are taught about the benefits of fewer but healthier children
  • The Foundation team makes a pertinent attempt to convince village couples about their imminent need of family planning surgeries
  • Sense of urgent birth control is developed in couples by drawing their attention towards their existing no of children and their financially incapacitated state for affording a further newly born
  • The Foundation team and doctors visit these areas and explain to the people about family planning methods, convenience & safety
  • Once convinced, the respective male or female partner is admitted to a hospital for undergoing the surgery at the Foundation’s expense
  • Post-surgery, the respective male or female partner is taken back to the village by the Foundation, providing them with the prescribed medicines
Family planning surgeries since 2013
Government hospitals where surgeries are conducted
Surgeries in 2018


During one of the visits to the Jawhar area in Palghar district in 2012, Dr. Bharat Kumar Mahalle (Gynaecologist in Sub-District Hospital of Jawhar) contacted Mr Purushottam Agrawal and highlighted the need of family planning activities in Jawhar. Dr Mahalle is one of the locals who returned to serve and make a difference in his community. The major findings from the team’s study were

  • Undernourished women end up having up to 13 children in as many years ruining mothers’ health
  • Major factors are lack of education, poor health awareness, superstition and conservative mind-set about modern birth control measures
  • With the increased burden of dependent children, parents are unable to provide proper food & nutrition
  • Working parents leave children under the care of young elder siblings leading to further neglect
  • Many women become grand-mothers by the time they are 35
  • The Foundation-initiated Family planning Service in the area in the year 2013 on a pilot scale.

